What is PLM software? Everything you need to know...

18 September 2024

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a comprehensive approach to managing a product’s entire lifecycle, from inception through development, production, maintenance, and disposal.

Why do companies move to a centralised PLM solution?

Many companies use multiple separate systems to manage their product lifecycle, leading to inefficiencies and communication issues.

A true PLM system requires a centralised platform, which consolidates all relevant data and processes, improving efficiency and reducing errors by providing a unified view of product information.

What challenges do companies face without a PLM system?

Without a PLM system, companies often work in silos with disparate software solutions, leading to inefficient data management and errors.

The lack of centralised information hampers collaboration and extends time to market, inflating operational costs and stifling innovation. In essence, the absence of PLM means missing out on process optimisation and automation, putting companies at a competitive disadvantage.

What core functions does a PLM system offer?

A PLM system typically includes document and product data management, project and process management, and support for production planning. It ensures consistent product information for marketing and sales, facilitates engineering change management, and enhances quality assurance. Many PLM systems also integrate customer feedback to drive product improvements and adapt to market needs.

How does PLM support a company’s strategy for innovation and growth?

PLM fosters innovation by providing a centralised platform for collaboration across departments. It structures discussions, links them to product development data, and stores all information in a central database. This accumulated intellectual property supports data-driven innovations and helps companies respond quickly to market changes, laying the foundation for future growth.

How does a PLM system assist with compliance to regulatory requirements and standards?

PLM systems support regulatory compliance by centralising compliance information, enhancing transparency, and improving cross-departmental collaboration. Modern systems use AI to identify compliance risks and automate monitoring tasks, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. They also offer validation functions and traceability to simplify audits and regulatory submissions.

How does Visiativ PLM differ from other PLM systems?

Visiativ PLM distinguishes itself with its flexibility and customisable workflows. It features multi-CAD connectivity (including SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk, PTC and more), robust parts list management, and seamless ERP integration.

Unlike many systems, it supports various parts lists, including CAD BOM, Engineering BOM, and Manufacturing BOM, and offers tailored service packages for installation, support, and training.

Visiativ PLM provides a unified platform that enhances product data management, collaboration, and innovation. Its flexible integration, comprehensive parts list management, and ERP connectivity make it an ideal solution for engineering firms seeking to optimise their processes and maintain a competitive edge.

Take a look at Visiativ PLM

We hope this guide has been useful and has answered your questions about PLM.

If you have any further questions or would like to know how Visiativ PLM can be tailored to your requirements, get in touch to arrange a consultation and product demonstration today.

Explore Visiativ PLM Software

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