R&D Tax Credits for the IT Industry & Software Development

We have helped Software and IT companies secure R&D tax credits by identifying eligible activities, and providing ongoing support.

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Funding and Innovation support for the Software & IT industry

Innovation and R&D are vital for software, computing, and IT businesses to remain competitive, adaptable, and successful in a dynamic industry landscape. The tech world moves at lightning speed, and if you’re not staying ahead, you’re falling behind.

In recognition of the sector’s pivotal role in driving economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness, the UK Government is keen to support software companies through tax relief and incentives like R&D tax credits.

R&D tax credits provide claiming companies with a financial boost that fosters experimentation, freeing up resources for further innovation and the development of ground-breaking solutions. It cultivates a competitive edge and supports growth by enabling companies to create unique offerings and stay ahead in a dynamic market.

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  • ✓ Integration of software components (software tools, application programming interfaces)

    ✓ Developing performant database schema.

    ✓ Algorithmic development to model physical systems.

    ✓ Enhancement of cloud-based management and publishing system

  • ✓ Extension of capability of existing software tools.

    ✓ Development of cross-platform capability for existing software technology.

    ✓ Development of improved algorithms for predictive analytics.


  • ✓ Development of improved machine learning capability and its application.

    ✓ Development of improved cybersecurity protocol.

    ✓ Making products more durable, more effective, with improved performance and/or efficiency Improving the environmental impact: e.g. reducing material usage, waste, emissions, and energy consumption.

Our customers say…

VISIATIV delivered exactly what they said they’d deliver. They did the vast majority of the work for us, preparing and submitting a comprehensive R&D tax credits claim with very little in the way of time commitment from us. And at the end of it, we got a lovely big cheque from HMRC. We’re doing a lot of cutting edge stuff here at Navmii and now getting the money back for it, which is as it should be

John Boardman, COO, Navmii

How Visiativ can help you

At Visiativ, we can help your company make robust, successful, compliant R&D tax relief claims. Our team of technical experts knows all about the regulations and guidelines specific to claiming R&D tax relief on software projects. We know what to claim, how to claim and, perhaps most importantly of all, the many pitfalls to avoid.


Contact us to see how we can help

Eligibility questionnaire

Take our short eligibility questionnaire to find out if your company is entitled to receive R&D Tax Relief!


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